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Set Background color

If you want to set a background color, you use this function before all draw functions:


Predefined shapes

We have some predefined shapes that can be used and be drew on the screen. Here are some:


your_shape = fusion.Rect(x, y, width, height, color)

Drawing the shape

To draw your shape, you use this:


  • More shapes will be coming soon

Draw a line

To draw a line, you use this:

#                        x1   y1   x2   y2      color
fusion.draw_line(100, 100, 200, 200, fusion.BLUE)

Draw rectangle

If you just want to draw a rectangle to test or to use it for your game/app, then you have 3 options:

Option one: just draw a rectangle

#                         x    y    w    h      color
fusion.draw_rect(window, 100, 100, 400, 400, fusion.BLUE)

Third option: Draw a rectangle of lines

#                              x    y    w    h      color
fusion.draw_line_rect(window, 100, 100, 400, 400, fusion.BLUE)

Draw image

You first need to create a variable with your image and image data:

your_image = fusion.Image(window, fusion.DEBUGIMAGE, 100, 100, 400, 400)

fusion.DEBUGIMAGE is an image that is included with the engine, so you can use it freely. You can pass your own image path or a Pygame image/surface. Then you need to render it (In the best situation this will happen in your loop):
