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Extra things

Default message

If you tried using our engine you may have encountered this message being printed to terminal:

Fusion Engine 5.0.0 (FusionGL 1.0.0, Pygame-ce 2.4.0, Python 3.11.7)
Welcome to Fusion Engine! Check out our website at

To disable this behavior, you just give the main class when initting this argument, set your "FUSION_HIDE_PROMPT" enviorment variable to "no" or anything else. Or you can set the message variable to False:

import fusionengine as fusion

fusion.message = False

GL support

If you are using a OS that isn't officially being supported by Fusion and it still works, you can disable this warning:

Your platform could not be resolved. Defaulting to OpenGL as GL. Rever to the documentation to learn about how to remove this warning.
To disable this behavior, you just give the main class when initting this argument, set your "FUSION_HIDE_GL_PROMPT" enviorment variable to "no" or anything else.