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User Interface (UI)

Creating a small ui for your application/game is easy with our following tools:


To create a simple button we do the following:

# Create the button outside the loop
your_button = fusion.Button(
    fusion.Rect(200, 200, 200, 200),
    "Hello World"

Button clicked

If you want to check if your button was pressed or is being pressed, then you do that this way:

def loop():
    if your_button.button_pressed():
        ... # Do your stuff

Rendering text

If you want to render some fonts, then you can do it like this:

  • Option 1: Render text with build into fusion or your own font

    #                                 x   y         font          size    color
    fusion.Text(window, "Your text", 10, 10, fusion.NUNITO_LIGHT, 20, fusion.WHITE)

  • Option 2: Render text with system font Its the same option 1, but you change the font to name of the font, like this:

    fusion.Text(window, "Your text", 10, 10, "Arial", 20, main.color.WHITE)